This is autism

From brain function to behaviour

  • Auteur: Colette de Bruin
  • SKU: 9789492985002
  • Verschenen: 11-09-2019
  • Leverbaar: Direct
  • Levertijd (NL): Op werkdagen voor 18:00 uur besteld, morgen in huis
  • Druk: 2e druk
  • Productvorm: Zachte kaft
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: High 5 Publishers
  • Aantal pagina's: 248
€ 33,00


The behaviour of people affected by autism is not always easy to understand. This book explains the cause of this behaviour in plain English. At the same time, it serves as a reference guide on how to deal with it. The colourful illustrations clarify the journey that information takes through the brain and the eight breakdowns that impede information processing in people with autism. In addition to providing you with an insight into the cause of autism, this book also sets out an overall approach.
The strength of this book is based on the interaction between two autism experts, the practical knowledge of the founder of The Essential 5 methodology Colette de Bruin and the scientific knowledge of neurobiological behavioural scientist Dr. Fabiënne Naber.
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